Doing a residency at 1001 Pots, summer 2024. Wood firing an anagama in the Lower Laurentians Opening the door of a wood firing kiln to see the red hot glow of the interior Some works that were wood fired in 2024. Slipping some bisqued work at Ralph Scala's studio in New Mexico, 2024 With my fellow Cohorts.Art mentees at Ralph Scala's studio outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 2024.
Lysanne Larose. A white woman leans forward, with her elbows on a table that displays white and ice blue sculptures. She is outside. She wears glasses, a green coat and a scarf. Behind her, a brick wall with windows.

Lysanne Larose

Visual artist / Artiste visuelle

A mostly self-taught ceramicist who favours handbuilding techniques, Lysanne Larose is an emerging Canadian visual artist who works in Montréal / Tiohtià:ke / Mooniyang, Québec. 

Lysanne views her practice as an act of resistance; resistance to the shallow glassy surfaces of contemporary life, resistance to the oppression of standardization, monetization, corporatization and key performance indicators.

While she primarily works with clay, Lysanne does not hesitate to borrow materials and techniques from other practices. In her works, she might incorporate rusted metal found in a vacant lot, broken glass sourced from a car mechanic, or rock dust from a stone carver’s air filters. She applies commercial flocking or paint to further enhance contrast – and sometimes even injects some sly wit into her artworks. 

Lysanne Larose is currently represented by Foster Gallery and Pottery.

Some Works / Quelques œuvres

METALLIC: Propane Moon Jar (2023)METALLIC:  Mutant Jerrycan (2023)METALLIC: [SOLD] Hazard Lines II – Red and White (2023)METALLIC: Hazard Lines I – Black and Yellow (2023)METALLIC: Stellar Engines I (2023)METALLIC: Long Pool (2022)METALLIC: Dark Pond (2022)METALLIC: Goldenrod Hotrod (2023)

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